Monday, November 3, 2014

KINSKI signings!

My graphic novel KINSKI is out this week! It's a quirky, Coen-brothersesque crime story about a salesman who steals a puppy and the unintended consequences that follow. It's fun, suspenseful and occasionally heart-wrenching. Trust me, you're going to enjoy it.

It's a 152 page trade from Image Comics collecting all 6 issues previously released digitally from Monkeybrain. 

If you're in Southern California, I'll be signing KINSKI in both San Diego and Los Angeles this week. At both signings I'll be drawing FREE SKETCHES for anyone that buys a copy of KINSKI. Here are the specifics: 



Yesteryear Comics 

San Diego

9353 Clairemont Mesa Blvd D2, San Diego, CA 92123

More info on the facebook event page here.



The Comic Bug

Culver City

4267 Overland Ave, Culver City, CA 90230

(Former location of Comics Ink near Sony Pictures Studios)

And for readers of the digital edition of KINSKI, issue #6 will be available through Comixology on 11/5, the same day as the print edition arrives in stores!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Gabriel --

    I have no idea if you will read this, but I figure it is worth a shot. After a long three-year climb -- full of false starts, betrayals, whatever you call it -- I finally have gotten in a position to direct my own narrative driven games. You see, I believe that there is a potential power lying latent in games; that they could be, must be, the next great storytelling medium. What we are doing is taking the experience of an actor -- the person who LIVES the story -- and designing a game whose interactions are dominated by doing just that. Rather than a game that focuses on glorified violence, we are creating a game wherein the player is at the center of emotional, heartbreaking, thrilling, and transcendent drama.

    My first deliverable for my project is to create an animatic sequence of this type of game. I've been following you work for quite some time and think your style will translate well: there is so much clarity of composition and emotion in your works, in addition to a high degree of elegant simplicity.

    If you're interested in going to the beyond, to the unknown frontier, in fulfilling the destiny that games have as actual vehicles of artistic narrative experience, please let me know. You can contact me at: [email protected]

